Update edit: had to do a fresh install of windows 10 and just reset my computer and drives and now it works no problems. Seems like a useless 60 gigs to me lol, i was hoping to get some better textures from nexus but now im losing motivation to even play the damn game :( Also, the game has all the DLC installed but i do not have the high res texture pack installed. Im pretty confident its not my PC being unable to handle this game, im just clueless. I9-9900k not running overclock 32gb G-skill ripjaws 3200 mhz ddr4 RAM ASUS Tuf gaming 3070 OC edition Aorus z390 elite mobo 750w EVGA 80+ gold PSU WDblack 1tb nvme ssd with 600gbs remaining still Im scratching my head at what to do next, any ideas?

I just load in and then bomb to homescreen in 5 minutes with no error warnings consistently. Google is of no help either, ive gone through most fixes like locking framerate/reinstalling/deleting all mods and starting new save/checking all the folders manually/turning all graphics settings to low, etc. I start a new save and i cant even get to the vault without just crashing to desktop. Turn on NVidia Vsync, lock frames at 60 fps, still crashes. Uninstalled and reinstalled FO4 at least twice now with the same issues. Load up and just crash to desktop in less than 5 minutes. Load up again and crash again not even 5 minutes into playing. Fine, crashing happens its Bethesda, ive had it crash on xbox, whatever. 15 minutes into playing though, the game crashes to desktop with no error warnings or anything. I download Mod Organizer 2 and download a night sky mod just to make sure things work, and they do. First and only mod i download from nexus is the one that enables achievements with mods, since i still want the steam achievements, and i start a new game. Load it up, play for an hour or two, and decided i wanna experiment with mods. So after having sunk a ton of time into Fallout 4 on xbox, i built a gaming pc recently and bought FO4 on steam and downloaded it.